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						<div id="mw-content-text" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr" lang="en"><h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Who_and_When">Who and When</span></h2>
<ul><li>The table below is a visual guide to the number of people that will be on Expo during each week. </li>
<li>Expo 2018 will be running from the 7th of July until the 19th of August. </li>
<li>Please indicate in comments if you also intend to stay in Austria for the Europseleo Conference afterwards, and if so, how long.</li></ul>
<p><font color="red"><b>red</b></font>  means you're there that week, <font color="orange"><b>orange</b></font> means 'undecided/flexible', <font color="yellow"><b>yellow</b></font> means 'there for half week', <font color="grey"><b>grey</b></font> means you're not there.  
<table class="wikitable">

<th> Length&nbsp;of&nbsp; expoage
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;1: 07-13 Jul </center>
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;2: 14-20 Jul </center>
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;3: 21-27 Jul </center>
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;4: 28Jul-3Aug </center>
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;5: 04-10 Aug</center>
<th> <center>Week&nbsp;6: 11-18 Aug</center>
<th> TransportArrangements
<td> Example
<td> N weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Cycling out, hanglider home
<td> Ruairidh Macleod
<td> 4 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Travelling from T&uuml;bingen out (if anyone is going by?); staying for Eurospeleo then returning in wookvan to Cambridge
<td> Radost Waszkiewicz
<td> 3-4 (?) weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Travelling from China (most likely); staying for Eurospeleo then 
most likely going to Spain for another expo, hopefully having my kit 
transported from Cambridge to Austria by someone (Pleeease?)
<td> Philip Sargent
<td> 4 - 5 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Coming all the time except for a break in the middle (leaving expo 
early Thursday 19th and arriving back 24th).  Out in Margot's van. Final
 return to UK not arranged yet.
<td> Luke Stangroom (ULSA)
<td> 5 weeks
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> With the Yellow Van maybe go to Eurospeleo. (Intended plan but might be disrupted)
<td> George Breley (SUSS)
<td> 5 weeks
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Drive van from UK with Luke arrive ~12th
<td> Christopher Holt
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Driving from Hertfordshire (very near Cambridge), due on the 10th 
Aug. Staying for Eurospeleo and the start of Dachstein.  Need to be back
 for the school term.
<td> Wookey
<td> 3 weeks + eurospeleo
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Will bring wookvan. Staying for Eurospeleo. Travelling from/to 
Cambridge. Leave on 28th July 3pm ferry. Return Monday 27th Aug. 10pm 
ferry. Room for quite a lot of gear. Gear return volume somewhat limited
 by need to use van during Eurospeleo.
<td> Paul Fox
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Travelling out in the Wookvan. Return by train via Salzburg, Frankfurt and Brussels.
<td> Max Weiser (ULSA)
<td> 4-5 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Will take a train from Munich.
<td> Becka Lawson
<td> 6 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> Travelling out with Anthony in his van at the start. Julian and I 
can probably get gear back from Austria plus us two in the car. We'd 
have room for a passenger or two but we'd be leaving around 2 weeks 
after end of Expo from the French Alps. I'd be happy for company to cave
 / cycle / whatever as Julian'll be hang-gliding then.
<td> Natalie (from Expo2008) + Neil (noncaver)
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td> + Eurospeleo. From/to Leipzig Germany in a car. We'll arrive on the evening of August 5 (or 6 if we get delayed).
<td> Alex Sterling (NUCC)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td> Driving with Jacob Puhalo-Smith and Ryan Boultbee. Leaving 15th in red jimny.
<td> Jacob Puhalo-Smith (NUCC)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td> Plan would be to drive there and back, arranging with Alex Sterling to sort out logistics. Leaving 15th in red jimny.
<td> Ryan Boultbee (NUCC)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td> Came with Alex and Jacob. Leaving 15th in red jimny.
<td> Haydon Saunders (non-member)
<td> 5-6 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td> driving from UK, stay for eurospeleo and dachstein
<td> Mark Shinwell
<td> approx 2 weeks + EuroSpeleo
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td> Can probably take gear (but maybe not people) from the UK in my 
car.  Will be staying for EuroSpeleo.  Can probably take gear back 
<td> Phil Underwood
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td> Leave UK via Hull-&gt;Zeebrugge 17th August, arrive expo 18th. 
Happy to help out with de-rigging, packing away, leading eurospeleo 
trips if wanted. Will attend one day of eurospeleo, then the rest of my 
family arrive for hols. Return to UK 1st September ish, can take a 
car-load of gear back to Cambridge or Yorkshire
<td> Nadia Raeburn-Cherradi (ULSA)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Arrived 16th July by public transport. Leaving Aug.10th
<td>Michael Sargent
<td>2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>Travelling out in Wookvan. Return to be arranged. Gear returning in wookvan.
<td> Adam Henry
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> 30/7-12/8. Transport: We have a transit camper with 3 front seats. 
Out: we're heading to the Berger 23-30th July and will need space to 
sleep in the back of the van too so not likely to be too helpful. 
Return: To the UK for work by 13/august
<td> Cat Henry
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> 30/7-18/8. Transport: With as Adam
<td> Jon Arne Toft
<td> 3-4 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Own transport out. Train back 4th Aug.
<td> Philip Withnall
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Flying to/from Munich and getting the train to Bad Aussee. Arriving 16th, departing 29th.
<td> Todd Rye (MUSC)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> No transport planned yet
<td>Lydia Leather (NUCC)
<td>3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Planned: I don't trust my car, so will either be taking public 
transport or catching a lift. Actual: Left expo on the 28th in Lydia's 

<td> Michael Holliday (SUSS)
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Original plan: Want to come out for all of it. Plan to go to 
Eurospeleo afterwards, then doss around Europe for a while and get to 
expedition in Spain during September. Don't drive, poor student, would 
appreciate lift out to Austria at least. In reality, left expo on 
<td> Tom Crossley
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Travelling out under own steam (flight to Salzburg then train to 
Bad Ausee), returning with Mike Butcher for the weekend of the 21st.
<td> Mike Butcher (ULSA)
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Will either drive out or fly depending on if I can get passengers 
and what's cheapest. If driving will have space for at least 3. Hoping 
to be back on Mendip for a party on the weekend of the 21st July.
<td> Adam Aldridge
<td> 5 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> no transport planned in advance. Leaving 9th August. (baggage home via dpd courier)
<td> Chris Densham
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> coming for 3 weeks at the start, driving to and from UK
<td> Olly Hall (SUSS)
<td> 2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Flying out, a lift from Bad Aussee station would be appreciated on 20th and back on 3rd.
<td> Anthony Day
<td> 3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Will be in the UK with a small van (Kangoo) with space for gear. 
Sail into Harwich early on 1st July so can swing by the Cambridge tackle
 store. Depart Weybridge (Surrey) for Austria on the evening of 6th July
 with one spare seat- co-driver appreciated. Returning to Norway with 
Julia on Tuesday of week 4
<td>Julia Day
<td>half week
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>Three nights at base camp (Sat 28th - Tue 31st)
<td>Frank Tully
<td>3 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>Planning to leave Bristol Fri 6th July, Provisionally traveling out with Chris Densham from Oxford.
<p>However I have a car which is in Scotland, so would have to bring it 
down to Bristol before heading out.. which means I'd rather leave it up 
north and save 14 hours driving before and after expo.  
<td>Dickon Hood (UBSS?)
<td>2 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>Planning to travel out from Bristol with Jim and possibly Lisa from 
UBSS. Have my own small shitty car which will be used if need be.
<td>Jim Blackford (UBSS)
<td>2 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>Leaving from Bristol with Dickon and Lisa
<td>Lisa Smith (UBSS)
<td>2 weeks
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> -Leaving from Bristol with Dickon and Jim
<td>Typhon King (ULSA)
<td>2 weeks (UNPLANNED)
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td>UNPLANNED - Arrived Leaving 6th August.
<td> Adelaide de Diesbach (SUSS)
<td> 2-3 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="orange">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Transport to Austria undecided, will not need transport back to 
England - getting train back to France on Aug 4th. (although I'd 
appreciate it if someone with a car could bring my caving kit back with 

<td> Manfred Wuits (Vienna)
<td> 1 week
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="yellow">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> local caver from austria, joined for initial weekend. arrive by 
train from vienna (coming in for expedition dinner on jul 30, staying 
until aug 6)
<td> Rachel Turnbull (ULSA)
<td> 1/2 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="red">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Flying to Salzburg and getting the train to Bad Aussee in time for 
the expo dinner, then heading over the hill to see the Germans. Plan to 
leave on the 10th Aug. Caved with Germans for a week.
<td> Beth Jones (ULSA)
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Unfortunately broke her ankle.
<td> Alex Hannam (Cardiff, Hedges)
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Fucked his leg. Original plan was driving from UK, staying for 
eurospeleo and dachstein. definitely last 2 weeks possibly weeks 3 and 4
 as well work and money depending.
<td> Rostam Namaghi
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Now cancelled. See Expo facebook posting.
<td> Wob Rotson (ULSA)
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Rearranged face. Open wound incompatible with expo.
<td> Thomas Starnes
<td> 0 weeks
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td bgcolor="grey">
<td> Cancelled. No longer driving with space for 3 passengers or gear.
<h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Transport:_by_week">Transport: by week</span></h2>
<p>Colour key:  <span style="background-color:navy"> Week 1 </span>, <span style="background-color:teal"> Week 2 </span>, <span style="background-color:green"> Week 3 </span>, <span style="background-color:olive"> Week 4 </span>, <span style="background-color:maroon"> Week 5 </span>, <span style="background-color:burgundy"> Week 6 </span>
</p><p>TBA=To be advised, S0=No spare seats, S1=One spare seat
<table style="font-size: 90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1">
<th> Week
<th> Going<br>
<th> Gear
<th> Returning
<th> Gear
<th> Expoers
<th> Cars Expo
<td bgcolor="blue">W1
<td> Anthony Day&nbsp;(AD,Weybridge)
<p>Mike Butcher&nbsp;(MB,Mendips) 
</p><p>Chris Densham&nbsp;(CD, Oxford, 2p)
</p><p>Hayden Saunders;(HS,?)
<td> Becka&nbsp;Lawson(AD)
<p>Frank Tully;(CD)
</p><p>Michael Holliday&nbsp;; (?, Sheffield)
<td bgcolor="teal">W2
<td bgcolor="green">W3
<td>Chris Densham&nbsp;(CD, Oxford)
<td> Frank Tully;(CD)
<td bgcolor="olive">W4
<td> Wookvan&nbsp;(W,&nbsp;Cambridge)
<p>CADAVAN&nbsp;(AH &amp; CH,&nbsp;From France)
<td> Paul&nbsp;Fox(W) Michael&nbsp;Sargent(W)
<td bgcolor="maroon">W5
<td bgcolor="burgundy">W6
<td>CADAVAN&nbsp;(AH &amp; CH,&nbsp; Plus Rob Adams?)
<td>(Eurospeleo) W7
<td> Wookvan
<td>(Eurospeleo) W7
<td> Car with 0 spare seats. Can take gear. Going from/to Leipzig Germany.
<td> natalie+neil

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